剧情简介:Not only is Marinette Ladybug, the superheroine that protects Paris from the attack of villains, but...
剧情简介:皮克斯知名动画《怪兽电力公司》《怪兽大学》将拍衍生剧集,登陆迪士尼流媒体Disney+,最新宣布大量信息:剧名为《怪兽上班》(Monsters At Work,暂译),2020年推出,电影版配音“大眼...
剧情简介: Set in near-future inland Florida, Teenage Euthanasia centers around the owners of Tender Endings ...
剧情简介: The story of 6-year-old Ridley Jones who, alongside her mother and grandmother, is a protector of ...
剧情简介: 《速度与激情》要拍动画片了,梦工厂和Netflix将打造一部《速激》动画剧集,是梦工厂电视和网飞合作项目的一部分,聚焦真人电影中范·迪塞尔饰演的Dom的表亲——Tony Toretto,和Dom一...
剧情简介: Adult Swim宣布接手,订下10集新集。该剧由蒂凡尼·哈迪斯、黄阿丽、史蒂文·元等配音,讲述两只鸟是好朋友,住在同一栋公寓里,有各自的生活,也有最好的姐妹情谊。...
剧情简介:Chief Crawford develops an unlikely, unhealthy and unholy friendship. Delbert and Robby form a new c...
剧情简介: 数十年前的经典角色系列“宇宙巨人”现推出创新动作动画剧集《宇宙巨人:启示录》,以继续讲述伊特尼亚星之战的故事。在本剧中,战斗将愈发白热化。在太空超人和骷髅王展开殊死对决后,伊特尼亚星分崩离析,辉克...
剧情简介: A spinoff of the popular rooster teeth show RWBY. This show is small clips of the cast of RWBY in ...
剧情简介: young boy learns to deal with all of the bad influences and grown-ups around him....